What to expect at church
Some of us are only new to church, and even if you're a lifelong churchgoer it can be hard to know what to expect at a new church. Let us give you the overview!

Where & When is church?
Sundays, 10am - Sale Memorial Hall
82-84 MacAlister St, Sale VIC 3850
Occasionally we need to meet in an alternate location. When that happens we will put the detailed information here and on our socials
What happens before the service?
15-20 minutes before the service most people start to arrive, saying g'day to one another and welcoming visitors.
Some people will turn up to church early to spend extra time praying together. Others will be around setting up for the service.
It's best to show up at least a few minutes early to find a seat. You can sit wherever you like!

What happens during the service?
Our service usually goes for about 1.5 hours. It is led by men from the front and includes:
Reading from the Bible - we believe it is God's word to us.
Singing together to God - It is one way we honour and pray to him.
Prayer to God - We believe he wants to hear us and respond to our prayers.
Lord's Supper - So we can remember, and celebrate, the death of Jesus Christ on our behalf. All Christians are welcome to join in this celebration, even if you're visiting. (A good rule of thumb is if you have been baptised in the name of the Father, Son & Spirit and can confess the Apostles Creed, you're welcome to join!)
Preaching/sermon - A teaching time based on a section of the Bible.
Baptisms - Sometimes people will undergo a ritual washing as a sign of belonging to Jesus
What happens after the service?
People usually stick around and catch-up after the service, have a cup of tea, and generally hang out. Its a time where we can check-in with each other. It's a great opportunity to pray in small groups, have meaningful conversations, and share encouragement.
Sometimes we will organise lunches in the park. But if there's nothing organised, don't let that stop you! Round up a few people and make some lunch plans of your own!

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Here are some answers to common questions.
What should I wear?
There's no dress code, just wear clothes that communicate respect to others. Most wear casual or smart-casual attire. If you don't have many clothes, don't worry, just come as you are!
Can I take the Lord's Supper?
If you are a believing Christian (including been baptised), you are invited to join us!
Do you serve wine for the Lord's Supper?
Yes, we serve both wine and grape juice, for people to take in accordance with their conscience.
If you have faced challeneges with alcohol addiction, please talk to us so we can help you manage this during Lord's Supper.
What if my kids make noise?
We believe the service is for everybody, young and old! Kids make noise, so don't fret about that, but if you feel they're being disruptive and you want to temporarily retreat to the foyer or back of the room, go ahead.
We provide activity packs, try to bring in elements of the service to help children engage, and we encourage parents to help their children engage at a level that is appropriate for them. We'd love to help you help your kids thrive at church!
What kind of music do you have?
We have a variety, from psalms set to music, to time-tested hymns to meaningful modern songs. We will sing music that is true, helpful and God-honouring. We also have a variety of instruments, as our different music teams take turns serving us each week.